Selasa, 28 Mei 2013


Diposting oleh Unknown di 07.01

Main characters is Po (Jack Black). He is a giant panda who was improbably chosen as the Dragon Warrior, although highly doubted as such, the giant panda proved himself worthy as a formidable warrior in unexpected way. The adoptive son of Mr. Ping, a goose who owns a noodle restaurant. Po is one of Master Shifu's students, the prophesied Dragon Warrior, and the warrior of black and white. He has a big body, sometime he being lazy. He studied martial arts in a way grab food.
The film tells the story of the Chinese nation Valley of Peace, lived a fat and clumsy panda named Po (Jack Black) is a huge fan of Kung Fu martial even though he was not that nimble creatures. Po lived and worked in a specialist eaten noodles with his father a fowl. Po has become a dragon warrior now looks like nothing else doubted his magic kung fu. In other areas there was a peacock who wanted to rule the kingdom with used cannon weapon. Peacock also has a strong wolf forces and armed and trained. The peacock named Shen (Gary Oldman) is the son of the emperor peacock who is an expert in fireworks trying to take advantage of the fireworks for his evil intentions. Shen asked old man an astrologer to predict the future of their children and see that the evil Shen ambition would be destroyed by the warrior of black and white. Shen who secretly knows it then destroy the whole panda who he thought they were black and white warrior in question. Knowing this, shen parents then throw him out of the kingdom. Shen disappointment with full promise to come back to get what should he get.
Po (Jack Black) is now a Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of duty is Peace. Po is still accompanied by The Furious Five, Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Monkey (Jackie Chan), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu) and Crane (David Fross). As the Dragon Warrior, Po keep practicing to improve his martial arts, along with Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman) he learned to master the “Inner Peace”. Unfortunately his training interrupted by the arrival of a group of wolves who come looking for Shen metal to make weapons that will be used to China takes over state. With this secret weapon of Lord Shen so invincible. Kung fu high no meaning for this deadly weapon. This means that Po must retrace his past and search for weapons to fight Lord Shen. While it is also po got back on his childhood memories of the first. Of it daddy goose Po asked who his parents really . And finally goose father explained that Po was found vegetables basket and geese take care of her and raised as his own son. Parent`s Po forced throw Po to save it because it was consumed by Lord Shen forecast said that he would be confronted by a panda. And he ordered to kill all the existing panda. Po has given anyone who has destroyed his village. Initially Po angry with shen but emotions he could divert his control. Po offer peace to shen. However shen underestimated Po. He thinked Po like a panda impossible to lost him. Po may looked like a stupid who likes to eat, joking and laughing. Shen does not know that Po is a dragon warrior. Shen still forced to want to fight with mighty Po. Happened fantastic fight, master Shifu and other warriors were severely hit by cannon including Po. But with his prowess, Po can still stand up and fight shen back. He uses inner peace stance, the stance has always failed every Po try. But this time the master Shifu and other warrior was surprised to see Po can use these tactics. Po can control his emotions and peace of his soul. With these moves Po can restore cannon attacks carried Lord Shen. Lord shen very surprised to see the Po that can capture cannon and return it back. Lord Shen and his troops badly wounded. Shen ask Po to immediately kill him, but Po can not do it. Although shen who had destroyed his village. But Po still have a heart, and it keeps shen alive again. Chinese citizens went back to live peacefully. Po still lived with goose father Mr. Ping.

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