Senin, 19 November 2012


Diposting oleh Unknown di 05.55

Understanding from Transplantation

Transplantation is the removal of a specific human tissue or organs from one place to another on their own bodies or the bodies of others to certain terms and conditions.

·         From the point of the transplant recipient, can be distinguished:

1. Autotransplantasi, namely the removal of a tissue or organ to another place in the body itself.
2. Homotransplantasi, namely the removal of a tissue or organ from one body to another person's body.
3. Heterotransplantasi, namely the removal of a tissue or organs from one species to another species body.

·         There are two important components of the underlying action transplantation, namely:

1. Eksplantasi, ie businesses taking human tissues or organs of the living or the dead.
2. Implantation, the attempt to put a tissue or organ to the body parts themselves or another person's body.

·         In addition, there are two important components of the success of transplantation, namely:

1. Adaptation donations, the effort and the ability to adjust to the life that was taken tissues or organs, both biological and psychological, to live with a lack of tissue / organ.
2. Resepien Adaptation is the effort and ability of recipient tissues / organs of the body so that the new body can accept or reject tissue / organs, to function properly, replace that already can not function anymore.

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