Kamis, 08 November 2012

my introduction

Diposting oleh Unknown di 02.37
Hello everyone!
My name is Dewi Puspita Sari. My nick name is Dewi. I was born Pontianak, 4th December 1996. I am student of senior high school number 1. Now, i am 15 years old. I love number 4 and 18. I love number 4 because it is my date of birth. I love dance, i can modern dance and etnic dance. My hobby is dance, listens to music, sleep and etc. I have hope can be doctor. Now, my parents in putussibau. Yeah, i live with my aunt in pontianak city. I am live with my aunt from elementary school until now. when i am still 11 years old , everywhere, everytime always miss my parents. yeah , you know i can`t so far away from my parents. From time to time i am already can live my aunt until now. But my little heart still say i am always miss my parents everytime.
 I have twiiter account @dewipuspita04 and facebook account dewi puspita sr

Then actually this fist time i make blogger. My purpose make a blog because, first, this is task. Second, in order to can`t lag tecnology. Beneficial to all.Certain, can learn how to use internet like blogger :)

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