Senin, 19 November 2012

Report Text - Cats

Diposting oleh Unknown di 05.24

G.C         : Cats is classification into Kingdom Animalia, class mammalian.

I.D           : 1. Cats is classification into Kingdom Animalia, class mammalian.
                  2. Cats are find anywhere and live in forests
                  3. body of cat
                  4. cats are carnivore
                  5. timing of cats activity
                  6. The gestation period for cats


        Cats are classified into kingdom animalia, class mammalian. 

        Actually cats are pets. We often find cats anywhere. Usually cats are often located in residential. Sometimes we can also find it on the street. But, there is also cats in the jungle. Cats can live in forests, grassland, tundra, coastal areas, agricultural land, scrublands, urban areas and wetlands.

        The cat has free movement so that it can quickly move from one place to another. Cats running speed of about 40 kg / hour.They typically weigh between 4kg and  5kg.Tthey average about 23 – 25 centimeters in height and 46 centimeters in head/body length. Usually cat males are larger than females. Their  tail is average 30 centimeters in length. Cats have highly specialized teeth for the killing of prey and the tearing meat.

         Cats are carnivore. Cats can eat as feed on meat, bone, birds, mouse and commercial cat food. Usually, can eat food that is often given to the owner of the pet cat.

         The timing of cats activity is quite flexible. The daily duration of sleep varies, usually 12 – 16 hours, with 13 – 14 being the average. Some cats can sleep as much as 20 hour in a 24 hours period.

        The gestation period for cats is between 64 – 67 days with an average length of 66 days. The size of a litter averages three to five kittens. Kittens are weaned at between six and seven weeks.

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